I took printscreens of certain questions on my monkeysurvey which i think is pertinent for my music magazine. This would benefit me in creating my magazine because its easier to know what type of music teenagers listen to. Furthermore it would help me create the design of my magazine to appeal to my target audience.
Question 3-When do you buy magazines?
The results are even. Therefore i would have to make a decision whether to release it every fortnight and every month. Its most likely that i would release my magazines every fortnight. The reason for this is to keep the audience not only updated, but to make them keep buying it. Otherwise if it was to release every month, i believe i would lose customers.
Question 4- How much do you pay for your magazine?
Most people would prefer to pay between £1-£3. I would sell it for £1.50 to make it a fair price.
Question 5- Would you enjoy the magazine more if it had entertainment such as mini games and/or comics?
People prefer to have the magazine to include comics and/or mini games. I believe this is a good idea to keep them occupied and enjoy the magazine more in a fun way.
Question 6- What promotional features would you prefer for the 1st issue of the magazine?
Question 7- Would you be more tempted to buy the magazine if it had some sort of promotional chance? I.e. A concert for tickets.

Question 8 - What type of music genre do you listen to?
According to my survey, 5 people ticked Pop, but 7 people ticked 'Other' so this means that they wanted something rather than Pop. I would consider using Classical as my genre, as Pop is popular and I would rather go for something that is different and Niche.
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