Thursday, 3 November 2011

Planning a Music Magazine

My target audience are both teenagers and adults of both genders (15+). Those of who listen to Classical Music, although it's not a popular genre for teenagers as they mostly listen to mainstream genres such as Pop and Rock. However I will be targetting this magazine to that specific range of audience (Those who listen to Classical Music).According to my questionnaire, Pop had the same amount of votes as Classical, But I wanted to go for something different and unique rather than doing something thats too Popular. This is why I have chosen Classical.It will be released every fortnight, the reason for releasing it every two weeks is to keep the consumers updated with the magazine as well as keeping them to stick with my magazine. If it was released monthly I would believe they’d buy other magazines or possibly forget my one, losing profit and buyers. My magazine will cost £1.00, as my target audience are Teenagers and Adults, so It's affordable for both target group. I believe most of my buyers will at least have a job, if not; at least they can afford the magazine at a fair price. Moreover my magazine will be glossy like Q Magazine, because I want to attract the audience by making my magazine look so appealing and eye-catching by making it look presentable and neat. Furthermore, most magazines are glossy because the texture is smooth and comfortable to use, whereas the newspaper is rather rough and it can get ripped easily because of the fragile material.
My house style colour scheme will consist of Red, Black and White, the fonts will be Myriad Pro as it looks classical and simple.

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