Sunday 18 December 2011

Photos I will be using for my Front Page

Photos I will be using for my Contents Page

Photos I will be using for my Double Page Article

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Title Block Designs

For my music magazine, i had to choose the right Title Block carefully, I didn't want to go for something that just relates to one genre, but something mainstream. I chose the name Muse as it means inspiration towards Musicians, Singers, Models etc. I went on and searched up 3 Different fonts. I saw 3 that i liked but it seemed rather avant-garde and too over the top. However i liked the last one, since it was simple, but not what i was looking for.

Since the other 3 fonts we're too edgey and dramatic. I decided to go for some more simplistic and eye-catching at the same time. I realised that most music magazine font like Q, the fonts aren't too flashy and hard to read. However the fonts were dominant, big and bold. So i had chosen this, its bright and bold, lastly its simple and appealing, Since I am doing a Classical Magazine I wanted to keep it simple.

Magazine Layout

Double Spread Page

Contents Page

Front Page

This is my draft of my magazine layout, this is just a guide for me, so i can get a visual of what my magazine will look like, although i have laid it out this way, this is just a draft. Of course i will tweak it around a bit and arrange it into different sections to make the magazine look neat and professional

Thursday 10 November 2011


Bauer owns a wide range of magazines, of the popular gossip magazines such as Heat and More! As well as other magazines like Men's Magazines (FHM), Equine (Your Horse), Photography (Digital Photo). So all in all, Bauer produces a vareity of Niche and Mainstream magazines which means that their company extends to a lot of parts of the market. Additionally because their company has linked to niche and mainstream magazine, they have a major amount of audiences as they opened up to different interests and hobbies. As a result Bauer has out done themselves by targeting a wide range of people whether its small or big. Bauer's media group is extremely large, they hav e linked many of its magazines to radio and TV like Kerrang because they have radio stations too as well as TV programmes which they own. A lot of their magazines have online sites which you can purchase etc, some are even availab,le on phones. Therefor their whole industry is pretty big.
IPC Media also makes a lot of different genres of magazines, such as music, fashion and television magazines. Moreover they also have niche markets in their business such as boating and hunting magazines for the smaller and specific audiences. The target audience for a television would include a wide audience, as most people watch television but don't watch certain channels, but if they do they would want to know what happens next week or an update of it. However if it was niche market magazines, like shooting gazette the audience is more specific as it is aimed at people who enjoy wildlife or hunting shows, and this is targetted to mainly men. Their business also relates to Bauer because they have different industries linked to their business as they produce a lot of magazine, they too also have websites so people can access their magazines from the internet rather than buying the magazine from the shop
BBC Magazines are produced by the BBC but published by immediate media co. They have a wide range if of magazines again for many different markets as well as the targetted audience, but not many like Bauer. They have magazines mainly for niche markets such as gardening. They also produce a lot of television shows that are popular and famous today like Dr Who Adventures and Top Gear which i believe has a great amount of audiences. As they also have children's magazines, the majority of audience their magazine will get are teenagers or children. Some magazines are targeted to adults however, like match of the day is mainly men, and teenagers too who enjoy football, and because football is the iconic sport in the UK it will recieve a lot of audiences. BBC is the source of most British television, therefore this brand is well known to british audiences. There are links to BBC as they are a big brand, they have online access as well as radio stations and a number of television stations and magazines.
Development Hell is not a mainstream magazine business, their magazines aren't as big or known as other magazines, additionally they only produce two magazines. Which is The Word and Mix Tape. Mix Tape applies to a niche market of the music industry, it targets people who are interested in dance music. However even though dance music is really popular, other magazines are more mainstream than DepHell. The word is a media magazine which talks about the aspects of media; music, television and books. This magazine will likely be mainstream but i doubt that since their business isn't big enough, they wouldn't be popular. The overall brand image is basically all about the media involved in magazines that talk about other sections of the emdia, they are known for what they write based on the genre. The links they have to other media is the internet, but not linked to anything else

Thursday 3 November 2011

Title Block Analysis

I carried out a research to find 3 different titles of different styles. The reason for carrying this research out so that I would be able to differ different styles as well as the way it has been compositioned so people can tell what type of magazine it is, for example the first one I analysed is originally from a Classical Magazine because of the simple style and composition it has.

The genre of this music magazine is likely to be classical, the colours used in the title font tell me that the the magazine is simplistic and plain, it's not too eye-catching or vibrant unlike other magazines like Rolling Stones or NME. These have been used to represent the era of classical music. The font is also simple, not too edgy or creative; it's trying to connote the idea of old, simple music, to remind the audience of what it’s like, it wouldn't be ideal to use something too cool to represent something that is classical. The title, 'MOJO' conveys the idea of the 60's where people used to use such word to describe their mood, e.g. to dance, without Mojo their mood would be depressing. The audience are obviously people who enjoy listening to the classics; the title tells the audience that singers like The Beatles, Michael Jackson and David Bowie will be featured in the magazine.

The genre of this music magazine will likely be (Country) Soul, Pop and/or Blues. Red stands out to capture the audience’s attention; it has a Silver outline to make it seem important. The font, is rather western, and conveys the idea of folk or cowboys. This has been used to tell the audience that the magazine will include country music. The title, 'Rolling Stone' conveys the idea of loneliness, and at same time adventure, it also has that rock vibe into it. I believe that Rolling Stone can mean you are the top of the popular culture, and your image represents what is 'in' or the trend nowadays. You might be in a popular band or solo-artist. I expect that there is a wide range of target audience because Rolling Stone is just not one music genre, but a lot, although its not as retro, and its aimed at the adults than the teenagers. Although those who haven’t read the magazine might have second thoughts, because the font has a western or classical appearance to it - it’s neither retro nor flashy.
According to the title block the genre of the music is definitely Pop, R&B and Punk Rock. The colour schemes consist of red, white and black which creates a funky, hip-hop appearance which will appeal to a lot of audiences. The font is big and bold, which stands out, it connotes the idea of NME as this big, amazing and popular music industry, and the fact that the word 'Express' means to deliver or send a message, in their case, the most updated magazine in the UK. NME is an idiom of New Musical Express; it says NME, which makes it sound like 'Enemy', an opponent to other music magazines. The target audience is likely teenagers; the title has a bold, hip-hop and urban style which suits teenagers currently, as they listen to Pop and R&B. Other than that it doesn't really inform WHO exactly the specific target audience is, but it’s for a wide range of people who listen to music.

Planning a Music Magazine

My target audience are both teenagers and adults of both genders (15+). Those of who listen to Classical Music, although it's not a popular genre for teenagers as they mostly listen to mainstream genres such as Pop and Rock. However I will be targetting this magazine to that specific range of audience (Those who listen to Classical Music).According to my questionnaire, Pop had the same amount of votes as Classical, But I wanted to go for something different and unique rather than doing something thats too Popular. This is why I have chosen Classical.It will be released every fortnight, the reason for releasing it every two weeks is to keep the consumers updated with the magazine as well as keeping them to stick with my magazine. If it was released monthly I would believe they’d buy other magazines or possibly forget my one, losing profit and buyers. My magazine will cost £1.00, as my target audience are Teenagers and Adults, so It's affordable for both target group. I believe most of my buyers will at least have a job, if not; at least they can afford the magazine at a fair price. Moreover my magazine will be glossy like Q Magazine, because I want to attract the audience by making my magazine look so appealing and eye-catching by making it look presentable and neat. Furthermore, most magazines are glossy because the texture is smooth and comfortable to use, whereas the newspaper is rather rough and it can get ripped easily because of the fragile material.
My house style colour scheme will consist of Red, Black and White, the fonts will be Myriad Pro as it looks classical and simple.

Wednesday 2 November 2011


I took printscreens of certain questions on my monkeysurvey which i think is pertinent for my music magazine. This would benefit me in creating my magazine because its easier to know what type of music teenagers listen to. Furthermore it would help me create the design of my magazine to appeal to my target audience.

Question 3-When do you buy magazines?
The results are even. Therefore i would have to make a decision whether to release it every fortnight and every month. Its most likely that i would release my magazines every fortnight. The reason for this is to keep the audience not only updated, but to make them keep buying it. Otherwise if it was to release every month, i believe i would lose customers.

Question 4- How much do you pay for your magazine?
Most people would prefer to pay between £1-£3. I would sell it for £1.50 to make it a fair price.

Question 5- Would you enjoy the magazine more if it had entertainment such as mini games and/or comics?
People prefer to have the magazine to include comics and/or mini games. I believe this is a good idea to keep them occupied and enjoy the magazine more in a fun way.

 Question 6- What promotional features would you prefer for the 1st issue of the magazine?
Question 7- Would you be more tempted to buy the magazine if it had some sort of promotional chance? I.e. A concert for tickets.

People are more tempted to buy the magazine if it had some sort of freebie inside the magazine as well as a chance to obtain/win a ticket for the latest concert. I believe this would be a great way to draw in audience.

Question 8 - What type of music genre do you listen to?

According to my survey, 5 people ticked Pop, but 7 people ticked 'Other' so this means that they wanted something rather than Pop. I would consider using Classical as my genre, as Pop is popular and I would rather go for something that is different and Niche.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Three Paged Article Analysis

The choice of band featured in this article suggests that the audience are likely to be fans of ‘Bring me the horizon’ as well as people who enjoy listening to rock and metal. We know this too because of the theme of the article, it is rather gothic and dark. The type of language used in this article is rather depressing, foul and yet makes the reader feel upset. One of the quotes was ‘I was p**sed off, upset, angry, I couldn’t enjoy anything’, the group probably had done something to get on the bad side of the media industry or their fans, or just general complications. The words angry and upset, tells us that this relates to the style of the magazine, as a lot of rock artists tend to do something negative and ends up in a bad situation, also can represent how the rock genre gives the sense of rudeness and frustration. The colours used in this magazine are mainly dark, and also white, maybe those two nurses are his conscious, like the ‘Devil and Angel’, telling them what to do, the one in the dark seems more dominant and persuading them to do something bad (The second photo shows how she’s wrapping him in a seductive way) whilst the white nurse is comforting him (as shown in the third picture, telling him to light up). They used these colours to try and explain, or give a vague idea of what has been going on with their lives, as if everything has been rough and rather depressive. The text are placed mostly by the sides of the article, it’s a long set of information so they laid it out veritcally, because of the amount of images used. For my article, there are 3 Pages involved; they laid out in a presentable way. On the left hand side, they put news to inform the reader of what it is about; they added quotes to explain to the reader of his thoughts. Furthermore they added images next to the information and at the top to feature those who are involved in the article and who they are talking about. The amount of images and texts are evened out because there is a great amount of information given to the user.
I believe the sort of tone that the magazine is addressing towards the reader is a friendly tone, because most of the quotes used and the information given explains to the reader of how the lead singer as well as the band feels, and a typical friend would go and tell you why he/she is upset. Bring me the Horizon is presented to the audience through the images as this depressed, confused people, because of their facial expression as well as their make-up, its rather gothic and upsetting. I believe it doesn’t style the magazine, because rock is supposed to be a rather loud, dominating and exciting genre for most people. The article is very different compared to the front cover, it’s really dull and gloomy, although, then again it tells us how they got back up in their feet after a let down, and continued on with their career ‘I Hope we stay the same’, which is motivating and moving when the audience reads it. I don’t think the article demands any prior knowledge, as it tells you everything in detailed information of the band.

Front cover and Content Page Analysis

Kerrang, by the looks of it is a rock/metal magazine, according to the house styles, theme/colours and the pictures used. The issues/articles likely to be inside the magazine are possibly an interview featuring the band (Central Image). The target audience for this magazine are people who enjoy Metal/Rock magazines , the particular age group is aimed for teenagers 18 and above due to its gothic and rather semi-violent theme. They’re interests are likely to be rock concerts, a Metallica. They are using a direct mode of address as they are looking directly at the reader; the relationship they’re looking for is rather unusual, it’s obvious they are using a direct mode of address because the band leader (The one at the middle) is putting his finger on his lips, telling him/her to be quiet. They are probably trying to tell the reader ‘Shhh, We killed someone.’
The front cover is a band called ‘BRING ME THE HORIZON’  they are used, to be in the front cover of the magazine because, their style and type of music relates to the type of magazine, and the fact they all look rather gothic and terrifying which suits the magazine itself. The Anchorage text is REIGN IN BLOOD, RISE AGAIN. This tells us that the artist is more hardcore and it gives the sense of power and domination. When it said Rise Again, it probably means that they returned or came back once again. The overall message the artist is trying to say is probably that they are more intense, better and a lot more eye-catching than they we’re before, probably something happened in the past that may decrease their reputation with the music industry.
The title block tell us that the magazine may consist of violence, as you can see that the Title Block is cracking, as if a rock is thrown at it. The title of the magazine tells us the readers enjoy reading about Rock/Metal. Moreover the title of the magazine tells us that the imagery and style will relate to rock (It looks as if it is breaking by the loud volume), it will have a rather rough background.
The puffs (which are located at the bottom of the magazine) implies that, there are a lot of rock artists that will be featured inside the magazine, it tells us that the magazine will expect fans from that specific genre or general fans of those bands.  The slogan says ‘Chemical Romance back in business’, which again tells the user that another band will be featured as well, additionally it means that Chemical Romance are featuring their new releases of their song. It helps attract the readers because My Chemical Romance is a famous and well-known rock band throughout the US and UK, this will benefit the magazine as it will get more fan readers. The colours used are mainly black, red and white. They used these three colours as it’s eerie, dark and bloody which relates to how rock is like. The colours do appeal to me, as rock is all about insanity and darkness. Furthermore the fonts are bold and big; it is trying to represent domination and overpowering other music genres.
The strategies that the magazine used to appeal and capture audiences/fans attention is by featuring famous bands and rock stars like My Chemical Romance and Ozzy Osbourne. They also added buzz words like ‘EXCLUSIVE’ which is alluring as it is only available for this music magazine. Furthermore they have added a lot of big and bold fonts, as well as warm colours (RED) as it will captures the audience’s attention.

The magazine uses a lot of imagery to convey messages and give the user a vague idea of what the magazine will be featuring and what it will be about. As you can see the pictures are constructed and positioned around the page to make it look like there is a lot of featured articles and news that will be informed to the user in the magazine. At the top of the page, Ozzy Osbourne is the main image because it’s big and the first image that captures the reader’s attention. Moreover they used Ozzy Osbourne because he’s an extremely popular Rock Star and the fact that maybe he will be featured too in the magazine. Additionally they also have other images that have a small introductory/news to explain what is to expect within the magazine. At the bottom right corner, they have pictures of the same magazine to promote it and persuade the reader to purchase their magazine more in the future. These support my initial findings because the type of imagery used relates to the audience that reads the type of magazine, which is the rock/metal genre. The colours used are mainly black and white (They also have unnecessary colour like red and yellow, but this makes it a bit more vibrant in a way, as rock is suppose to be fun and enjoyable). The whole contents page is rather de-saturated, especially the top picture which probably represents how old Ozzy Osbourne is, and still standing and a legend. The fonts are Bold and Big, and it looks ragged and rough to convey how Rock is ‘Rough’ music genre. On the other hand, it captures the audience’s attention, as the magazine wants you to notice it, so they’ll be able to inform you easily of what is being featured in the magazine. It of course supports the style of the front cover, because it is not misleading the audience into something else, and it’s still keeping the rock and metal sense in the magazine. The contents page is separated with subheadings and images, beneath these, they have the page numbers, and the names of bands/artist and titles informing the reader what is upcoming.  This makes it accessible for the reader doesn’t have to always look around for information; instead they look at this section for what they should expect. In this contents page it is split up into a proper and understandable sections. At the bottom you have the columns of information and subheadings to help the user become aware of the things that will come up the magazine. They have 1 promotional feature which is located at the bottom of the contents page; it is a ‘LIVE AND LOUD’ poster. This will enhance the magazine’s popularity as well as promoting their magazines and the specified artists included in the promotional feature. The logo is placed in the middle of the contents page; it isn’t as dominant as the top picture as it is much bigger and capturing. They have one other franchise, as you look at the bottom right corner of the contents page, you can see that they are advertising their magazine, giving promotional offers. It is saying ‘Get K! Delivered to your door, for £6 every month’, this is promoting their magazine on the contents page.